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Quit your job in the next 3-6 months by building an AI-proof freelance writing business
Join thousands of students quitting their jobs and building successful freelance writing businesses inside Location Rebel Academy.
Real member testimonials
I wouldn't be where I am today if I weren't for Location Rebel Academy. I'm finally making my goal income, working my goal hours and it allows me to do all the things I want during the week.
Jason GassLocation Rebel Member
I joined Location Rebel almost exactly one month ago and it’s been a success to say the least. My investment has paid for itself 2 and a half times over… so far.
Josh SloneLocation Rebel Member
No matter what happens from here on in, I will always be grateful to Location Rebel for the support and guidance. It’s literally been a life changer for me and for that I would like to say a massive THANK YOU.
Carlo CretaroLocation Rebel Member
I am now location independent, all thanks to Location Rebel Academy.I never would have gotten here if it weren’t for the course giving me the confidence and know-how to go out there and get what I wanted.
Rachel WagersLocation Rebel Member
What does your dream life look like?
I can tell you mine.It's simple: be able to do what I want, when I want.For years that meant traveling the world. Then it meant being able to focus on building simple, profitable, low-stress lifestyle businesses. Right now it means spending more time with my wife and daughter.I personally think the way the world is designed — spend 8+ hours a day doing work you aren't passionate about, navigate office politics, listen to your boss tell you how "we're family here" while guilt tripping you for wanting a whole 2 weeks off per year to catch your breath, feel like a zombie by Friday afternoon and anxious again by Sunday night — is broken.And more than a decade ago I decided to opt out of it.Since then, life has been pretty freaking sweet.I love my work.I've spent months out of (almost) every year traveling.I design my own schedule to fit my personal & family lives (if I need to take a random Tuesday off, I do — and I try to take the afternoon off from work every day possible).I don't go to bed with an anxious mind every night.And I'm making more money than I ever did at a desk job.
What enabled it: freelance writing.
Really. That's it.I first quit my job by offering freelance writing services to various online businesses. I wasn't "trained" in it before I started — I learned on the job. (It's not hard to find freelance writing gigs when you're first starting out — more on that in a moment.)Then I used every client as an opportunity to practice, get better, and refine my writing to be worth more money. (I followed a specific strategy, which again we'll come back to shortly.)When I was really confident with my skills, I started creating a number of super-simple lifestyle businesses (typically blogs), monetized them, and wrote all the content for them. (Yep, we'll be coming back to this in just a second too.)I kept writing for clients, but at higher and higher rates...Until eventually a few of those simple businesses took off and I went full-time on them.And that's where I'm at today.Still making an amazing living and living my dream life off the same writing skills I first freelanced more than a decade ago.But what if you want to do something similar?Would this still work if you started today?A lot has changed since I first did it.The biggest? AI is a thing now.My answer is simple:Absolutely you can still do it. In fact it's even more lucrative (and remote-friendly) now.
Because when I started, most freelance writing jobs were bad.The most popular was something called SEO writing. Translated to real world terms: it was just pumping out endless low-value garbage content so businesses would rank higher on Google. Businesses just wanted thousands of articles (quality didn't matter) that would link back to their site, which is all Google needed at the time to rank any site higher in the search results.It was mindless and didn't pay super well but the opportunities were abundant so you could do okay with it.As a result, most freelance writers were essentially living "paycheck to paycheck". They were free, but they weren't thriving.Well, AI has replaced those kind of low-value gigs entirely.It's awesome at writing simple low-value content.Humans absolutely can't compete with it on that.But where AI fails miserably...Is high-value content.What I mean is the kind of in-depth, quality writing that humans read (not Google bots) — and that directly leads to a business making money.Think of a product review, for example.And I don't mean a product review like you find on Amazon. Think more along the lines of Wirecutter — much more in-depth.The best product reviews come from a human who can hold the actual product, describe the real pros and cons of using it, point out the tiny details that really make the product shine, and give a play-by-play of how it actually performs in the real world — complete with pictures and video of the product in use.AI can't do that. It can try to fake it, but consumers who have their wallets out and want real reviews see right through it.And business owners have realized that.This is just a small taste of the kind of content AI can't reproduce and that business owners gladly pay premium prices for. There's so, so, so much more.When you know what content AI can't replace and business owners desperately need — you can make more money today with freelance writing than any other time in history.
In my experience, the vast majority of people I talk to need about $3k-$5k/mo to cover their baseline expenses.Of course some people need a lot more.And some need a lot less.(When I first left my job long ago and went full-time freelance, I got rid of my stuff and headed to Thailand for a few months — where today you can still live comfortably for $1,000/mo.)But the average is $3k-$5k/mo. And I can show you how to get to that magic "freedom number" with freelance writing in the next 3-6 months from scratch — so you can quit your job, focus on building your dream life now, and scale your monthly income up without feeling rushed.It requires work — but it's actually easier than you think.Introducing...
Location Rebel Academy
Join thousands of students quitting their jobs and building AI-proof freelance writing businesses inside Location Rebel Academy.
years teaching
months to freedom
Location Rebel Academy has one very simple purpose: to walk you step-by-step through setting up a bulletproof freelance writing business that is safe from advances in AI — and lets you quit your job in the next 3-6 months, even if you’re starting from scratch.That means every step of setting up that business:
- Setting up your portfolio.
- Finding the most profitable niches you're best suited to write for.
- Reaching out to, and landing, dream clients.
- How much to charge
- How to raise your rates over time.
- What kind of content to write for your clients to fetch the highest rates — and how to write it so they keep coming back for more.
- And so much more.
More real member testimonials
This month between the writing biz and SEO clients my business made $19,200 , I outsourced 90% of the work for $11,900 and made $7100 profit.. Not bad for sending out a few emails and editing a few articles! Now I just need to scale this up further whilst adding other income streams.Anyway that’s all thanks to Location Rebel Academy and what you’ve created, so thank you Sean!!
Nathan FlearLocation Rebel Member
Last July, I'd gotten back from traveling and had to figure out what I wanted to do for work – and I was really kind of down and unsure of what was going to happen.Now 5 months later, I’m making a full time income, have a supportive mastermind group that I meet with weekly, and am preparing to move back to France next month. None of that would have happened were it not for Location Rebel Academy.
Katherine WrightLocation Rebel Member
All in all, it’s been an amazing year and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for creating a community that has helped me and a program that gave me the kick start I needed to go after what I wanted. I couldn’t be more grateful.
Steve ErlLocation Rebel Member
Hey Sean, I just wanted to let you know how much I am freaking loving Location Rebel. This is one of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever had and I am so glad that your sales page worked as well as it did because I would regret every minute that I wasted not being a member.
Ian PickeringLocation Rebel Member
The System
The core system is made up of 5 modules
These five modules walk you through everything you need to build a location independent, AI-proof freelance writing business from scratch.
Module 1
Laying the groundwork
To make the most money as a freelance writer, you first need to understand exactly how this business works. With this foundation, everything else you do will be easy.
- An overview of the most profitable styles of freelance writing — and which you should choose
- Whether you should be a Specialist (writing on one subject) vs. Generalist (writing on a variety of subjects)
- Creating a portfolio that lands clients
- Writing client-getting samples for your portfolio
Module 2
The Secret Sauce: The Boring (Yet Effective) Way to Find Clients
Let's say you know how to set up a portfolio. You know your niche. You're ready to start writing. But how in the world do you get clients — and more importantly, clients who pay the most money for your words? There's one specific way we recommend that nearly always works, pays the most, and has almost zero competition — but only if you do it right, which is what we cover in this module.
- How you should be thinking about getting clients (the "sexy way" vs. the "extremely profitable" way)
- How to create an avatar of your perfect client
- Our fool-proof system for finding dozens of clients that match that avatar (including spreadsheets, docs, and more)
- Our patented Rabbit Hole Strategy for finding gigs that no one else knows exists — and where there's almost no competition for clients
Module 3
The Business of Freelancing
Fun fact: how much you make as a freelance writer depends just as much on how you run your business as it does how you actually write. In fact, how you run your business may be MORE important — since it determines what prices you charge, how you get paid, and how you set up contracts that get you repeat work at higher rates.
- Everything you need to do before working with a client to make it clear you've got your act together
- How to price your services for maximum ROI (and why you should be charging more than you think you should — even if you're brand new)
- How to set up your invoicing & payments system so you get paid on time, every time
- Templates for your contracts & proposals
Module 4
Additional Ways to Find Clients
The system we cover in module 2 will get you the vast majority of your clients — but there are countless other ways to do it. Once you've mastered the client acquisition system in module 2, we'll show you how to drastically expand your outreach and create an even larger stable of high-paying clients.
- How to use job boards so you actually land gigs
- Working with content marketing agencies
- Finding work through industry magazines & sites
- Reaching out to local businesses
- Leveraging Twitter/X
- Using LinkedIn without being obnoxious
- And lots, lots more
Module 5
Start Writing (and Everything Else)
We've just spent four modules setting up your business and finding high-paying clients, and for good reason: that's the stuff that actually determines how much money you make (and how consistently you're paid). But you do need to actually write (crazy I know), and you need to know what your clients are expecting when you write for them — which we cover in depth in this module.
- How to write blog posts that make you and your clients a lot of money (including templates)
- The most common types of content you'll write
- The fundamentals of SEO (and when it actually matters)
- Writing habits & systems that make your work 100x easier
- Where does AI fit into your workflow?
Get started today
More real member testimonials
Today is officially one month for me since joining Location Rebel Academy. I have to admit, I went back and forth A LOT before signing up. When I explained to my wife that I wanted to spend hundreds of dollars on this, she looked at me like I had lost my mind.One month later, both she and I are stunned at the results.…I’m sitting here shaking my head. I see almost $1000 into my paypal in the past two weeks and an email from someone ordering $900 in work over the next 10 days. Unbelievable. Location Rebel is the best money I’ve ever spent.
Ryan SmithLocation Rebel Member
Since joining LR in April, I've almost replaced my full-time employment income from when I worked for the State. I have three on-going SEO, copywriting, and content clients. I can pay rent now, but most of all, I can say “I’m a freelance writer,” without “aspiring” as a prefix.
Natalie StickelLocation Rebel Member
Sean, I swear to you – Location Rebel is BY FAR, the greatest learning/investment I’ve EVER made…I love it, hell, I have my tabs set up to automatically open to Google, Yahoo, and LR…
Brian ValentinLocation Rebel Member
After one month of starting my writing business, I found a client giving me a project of almost 50 articles, due at the end of the month. I can honestly say between my regular job and this, I’ve been pretty busy and made the money for LR back plus more, in 1 month! I can say I’m really happy with this result, considering I’m writing in English, which isn’t my first language!
Chris SilvestriLocation Rebel Member
You can be happy and love the work you do
I still remember the feeling I had leaving my job.It started as immediate relief. I finally felt free — like I was finally on the path to creating my dream life.But when reality quickly set in — what if I run out of money, what are friends & family going to think, what if I fail, did I make a huge mistake? — all I could do was panic.The truth is my job was soul-crushing.It sucked the life out of me during my best hours every week, and gave me less than 48 hours each weekend to recharge.And I was desperate to be done with it.But for the first few months after I got out, my brain went into self-protection mode and all I could think was, Should I just be grateful I even had a decent job in the first place?That thought woke me in a cold sweat those first few weeks.Feeling conflicted like this at first about quitting your job is normal. Almost everyone I've worked with has experienced it.But I'm here to tell you now:
Being done with your job is the greatest thing you can do for every aspect of your life.
I deeply believe that the modern workplace is not designed around how humans function and thrive.I truly believe we're all meant to work — if it's work we love.Personally, I love the work I do now.But we're also meant to have free time.To be able to take random days off.To balance days working a lot with days going slower.To be in control of our lives — and to be able to design how we want our days to look, instead of letting a job define it for us.When you have all these things, it's amazing how deep your sleep gets. How carefree your mind becomes. How fun your life is — and how much joy every day brings you.Location Rebel Academy will show you how to live this way — starting from scratch.
As long as you feel comfortable writing anywhere from 300 to 3,000 words at a time, we'll walk you through the rest:- Exactly what kind of writing makes the most money — and is safest from advances in AI.
- How to find clients happy to pay high rates for that writing.
- How to get paid month after month after month.
Just one note: at this price, there are no refunds and no hand-holding.
Why? For one simple reason:I sold this course for years at $749. All the testimonials you see on this page are people who bought it at that price.But since then a funny thing happened:Another business I started took off in a big way.In fact, it's a review site in a small niche (outside the "learn how to make money" world) built on the exact processes I teach in Location Rebel Academy. The exact same system that has made countless six figure freelance writers — except I did all the writing myself, for myself.And now I simply don't have the time or resources anymore to dedicate to Location Rebel Academy and ongoing support.But... it's 2025 and the course still works.Really, really well.And it will for YEARS to come, even as AI writing gets better and more "human" — because it teaches a method that AI literally can't authentically reproduce ever, but that business owners are desperate to have (and pay very good money for).It also shows you how to find those business owners — which also won't be changing at all for many years.So I had a decision to make:- 1.Should I shut the course down entirely?
- 2.Or should I sell it at a heavily reduced price — but "as-is"?
I'm confident this will be the best investment you ever make in yourself — and in building your dream life.
If you're on the fence, read around my blog or watch anything on my YouTube channel.You'll learn lots for free over there that will get you started.Then Location Rebel Academy will give you the rest.I hope to see you inside.Sean Ogle
Portland, ORFrequently asked questions
Can I really quit my job in the next 3-6 months with this program?
Absolutely. Here's the math I use:Generally the majority of people's needs are met with $3k-$5k/mo. You're not living lavishly with this much, but it pays your baseline rent & bills.(Obviously this number is bigger for some people, and less for others, but the majority of people I've encountered are in this range. If you don't have a family to tend to and want to travel, you can get this number much much much lower by traveling to countries with lower costs of living. That's how I did it originally — living for roughly $1k/mo.)The goal of Location Rebel Academy is to get you to this $3k-$5k/mo recurring profit range within the first 3-6 months, then gradually build it from there (especially when you leave your job and have more free time to dedicate to your business).
I'm [old/young] and have [family/mortgage/big expenses]. Will this still work for me?
The students inside Location Rebel Academy span every age range, from 18 to 75+. They also include people looking to live for $1,000/mo in Thailand — to people who have two kids and a house and need a lot more.So the answer is: yes, this program will work for you.It may take longer to hit your initial "baseline expenses are paid" goal, but the program will work for you — as long as you follow its instruction exactly.
How quickly can I start making money?
If you're serious about following the systems in Location Rebel Academy, you can be making money by next week — and have the cost of the program paid for within the first month (very likely a few times over). This has been the case for countless students who really make an effort to apply what's covered in the program.
Do you have a money back guarantee?
No we don't, and for a very specific reason:For years this course sold for $749.Yes, the exact course you're getting now.But my other businesses (built on top of the freelance writing frameworks I teach in Location Rebel Academy) have taken off in a BIG way and I don't have time anymore to provide hands-on support like I used to.Same goes for my co-author Liz, who has been running a six figure freelance writing business since finishing Location Rebel Academy long ago.So instead of taking the course down entirely, I'm selling it at a ridiculously cheap price — but with the caveat that there are no refunds or hand-holding support.If you can follow clear simple instructions, this won't be a problem.I guarantee this will be the best investment you've ever made in yourself — at a wildly discounted price.
I'm not based in the USA. Will this still work for me?
Yep! Many of Location Rebel Academy's students are based outside of the USA and thriving.
English isn't my first language. Will this still work for me?
Absolutely! You can find work in your native language, and you can find work writing in English. The latter (writing in English) may sound crazy to you if it's not your native language but I've seen a large number of Location Rebel Academy students thrive writing in their second/third languages.Especially with AI available to correct your grammar (to me one of its amazing use cases) I'd highly recommend capitalizing on the English language market even if it's not your native language.
Is there enough opportunity for me to become a freelance writer? Aren't there too many people already doing this?
There is nearly endless opportunity for freelance writers because more and more businesses are being built every single day — and they all need vast amounts of high-value content written to keep up with their competitors. (Meaning, high-value content that humans consume and leads a business to make money — not low-value content made for Google's search bots and nothing else.)When you find businesses that are desperate for good writers (and pay top dollar for their services), you'll quickly discover that there's never a shortage of work amount of work available — and the biggest limiting factor is the amount of time you have available to fulfill it.
Get started today
Location Rebel Academy has completely changed my life. There's no way my writing career would be where it is today without it. It's given me the autonomy and freedom to take control of my future. If you're on the fence about signing up, don't hesitate. Take the leap.
Adam MeyerLocation Rebel Member
You've made a difference in my life with LRA. It took me several years to decide to join, but it was the best decision I've made yet. Having experienced people to guide me was what I needed most.
Jamie MakinLocation Rebel Member
Just wanted to report that I landed my first content writing gig this past weekend! I am elated! I am writing this to encourage others by letting them know that there are freelance writing jobs out there. I am also writing this to give credence to Sean and Liz’s integrity. They are not making this stuff up.
John P.Location Rebel Member
Location Rebel has been the entire reason for my success with freelance writing, no question about it. It would have taken me much longer to find this path, had I not joined Location Rebel Academy.
Marc SheforgenLocation Rebel Member
Joining Location Rebel feels like a big financial commitment, and it is! But within just a few months I had already paid that off. And time and time again I’ve made that value back.
Allison TroutnerLocation Rebel Member